Java 2D Examples

Clipping displays two JComponents. One that clips a circle and the other that clips a rectangle.
ClosePath displays two JComponents. One that draws a triangle by closing a path and the other that does not. Notice that if a path is not closed, the default line caps are used.
Composite demonstrates the various compositing operators with user defined transparency (Alpha Channel).
This interesting example defined in demonstrates the difference between quadriatic and cubic curves. The user can change each curve/s control points in real time to see how they effect the path.
Line Caps uses several JComponents to display the available line caps. Note that all except the butt cap will extend beyond the end of the line.
Line Joins uses several JComponents to display the available line joins.
This interesting example defined in demonstrates how to change the properties of a drawn line, including the dashing. Dashing is defined by a comma delimted list and a phase. The list indicates how many pixels to draw and skip. For example 10,4,5 will draw 10, skip 4, draw 5 and repeat. The phase is a number from 0-1 that indicates how far into the sequence to begin.
Winding Rules demonstrates how the two winding rules are interpreted in two common situations where a path is contained inside another path.